Chef's Essential - personalized kitchen tools key chain bag charms, gift for Chef, Foodie handbag charm

Chef's Essential - personalized kitchen tools key chain bag charms, gift for Chef, Foodie handbag charm

from $48.00

This 6 inches stainless steel rectangle chain link is packed with all the essentials for a proud chef! All 5 charms are removable: one butcher knife, one cutting board, one whisk, one loaf pan, and one set of muffin and muffin pan with a yummy pink glass bead.

Fun to use as a keychain or for decorating backpacks or handbags. You can choose to personalize the butcher knife and/or the poundcake pan. I have engraved “Tomorrow” for Dish of Tomorrow fundraising campaign (read detail below) and “Nourish” for the Alameda County Community Food Bank fundraising.

:: About the fundraising campaign for “Dish of Tomorrow”

Starting July 2022, we are donating the miniature kitchen tool accessories to Dish of Tomorrow (明日餐桌)at Taichung, Taiwan to help them raise funds for building a zero food waste community space that houses people who are temporarily out of places to live. Residents and staff rescue edible food and fresh produce and turn them into meals to feed more people on the street.

台中中區的「明日餐桌廚房」,是台灣第一間續食庇護聚落。每天回收,市場上外觀不討喜的蔬果製成料理,讓顧客自由定價,來交換這美味的一餐。 他們提供一些「無固定居所人」駐在老屋改建的「家」,並且創造工作機會,把市場剩食製作成料理和適合存放的糧食包,提供參加共食餐桌的客人,一起為更多暫住人口送餐。二零二零年三月在挖貝募資平台認識了「明日餐桌」,當時,除了支持了那一梯次的募資外,Sora Designs主動詢問七喜募款的需求,並著手製作適合的募款手作飾品。在這裡,訂購這組「迷你廚房」相關系列的任何飾品, 可以指定銷售盈餘捐給台中「明日餐桌」或是加州灣區「阿拉米達縣的食物銀行」。天空飾物所,也同步直接捐贈各款飾品, 由「明日餐桌」自行銷售募款,也可以直接跟台中「明日餐桌」購藏這批意義不同的手作飾品。不同點在於, 直接和天空飾物所訂可以客製菜刀或烤盤上面的字, 捐贈給「明日餐桌」自行銷售的,菜刀上刻打 Tomorrow, 磅蛋糕烤盤裡則刻打上DOT (Dish of Tomorrow)的。

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