Dancing in the Wheat Field post earrings and ear jacket, or ear cuff

Dancing in the Wheat Field post earrings and ear jacket, or ear cuff
*Please note that this listing is for people whose shipping address is outside Taiwan.
<dancing in the wheat field>
do you see where the sky meets the sea,
and the sea meets the dancing wheat fields?
These designs are made with vintage hand-painted porcelain beads exported from 1970s Japan. The amber glass beads are from 1970s West Germany.
You can get these as post earrings with a circle ear jacket or as an ear cuff. The circle ear jackets can be paired with your other post-earrings too. Both styles are forged and soldered with sterling silver wire.
These are part of my creations (a total of 8 designs) as a way to support humanitarian assistance for Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children in Moldova - by UNWomen.org
About this <Grow Sunflowers Not Wars> fundraising:
Reading and watching the news these days is truly heartbreaking and terrifying in equal measure even if we are nowhere near the real danger. We are all connected; I have ordered handmade embroidery t-shirts and tote bags from Ukrainian makers on Etsy and I have Russian customers who have ordered from my Etsy shop in the past year.
To support organizations providing humanitarian aid, I have created three designs using materials that have been sitting in my drawers.
The first design is "Energizing yellow, Freedom Blue" mobile earrings; available in both post style and clip-on style. These are made in 925 sterling silver and with vintage glass beads.
All profits for these earrings through the month of April will be donated to UNwomen.org. They have been providing humanitarian assistance for Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children in Moldova. I will notify you about your donation via email.
I have read somewhere that in a situation like this it's easy to confuse empathy with sympathy. We can't help anyone by suffering ourselves. It's important we keep on doing the things that bring us joy, boost our energy, keep our spirits up, satisfy our need for connection... This is my way to connect with fellow beings on planet Earth.
“連結大地的力量”, 這是我看著手中的中古手繪瓷珠(來自1970年代日本)和深淺不一琥珀色的迷你玻璃珠(來自1970年代西德), 心裡湧出的感覺。。
這些豐富的顏色給我麥穗天空和海洋的意象, 就做了連結三個圓的耳針和”耳環夾克“。 也做了一款耳骨夾, 可以戴單邊就好。
去年的這個季節,我正如火如荼的趕工「大女孩支持小女孩」高中重聚活動的義賣活動,托大家的福,成果豐碩,把大家和和南投希望學園拉起了線。此時,我又要來拉線了,和 百生枋寮藝術村合作,下星期要寄一批作品參加他們整個四月份的祈念和平活動。
4/8有一批合運,如果妳/你想要訂購這款義賣耳環,又到不了枋寮藝術村,就直接跟我說喔。在四月底,我會結算捐款至UNwomen 。 這個組織從6年前開始就一直關注烏克蘭的女性平權議題,現在在Moldova協助離開烏克蘭的難民,大部份是女人和小孩。