Reflecting Pool Necklace - Vintage blue yellow glass bar necklace

Reflecting Pool Necklace - Vintage blue yellow glass bar necklace
<reflecting pool>
Take a moment to gaze into the reflection, what do you see?
Everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed by our minds.
These vintage glass cabochons from 1970s West Germany are still in their original paper wrapping. Hand-set in a sterling silver serrated strip, you can see a beautiful blend of blue and yellow at different angles, like the blue ocean reflects the sky. Set on a 10-circle connected silver bar with sterling silver rectagle link chain. This elegant necklace is adjustable from 15-18 inches or 16-19 inches.
《沈默的映照》小心翼翼打開有點泛黃的描圖紙一樣的包裝紙, 在晨光下這些玻璃珠閃耀著湛藍和金黃, 還映照著白雲和窗櫺。橢圓曲線的玻璃已經這麼完美了, 只需要最簡約的設計讓人們可以時時反照著自身的風景。做了三款: 可調整大小的戒指, 耳針加耳夾克, 還有點綴脖子的鍊。祈願大家時時都能享受沈默, 玻璃裡映照著喜樂。
About <Grow Sunflowers Not Wars> fundraising
Reading and watching the news these days is truly heartbreaking and terrifying in equal measure even if we are nowhere near the real danger. We are all connected; I have ordered handmade embroidery t-shirts and tote bags from Ukrainian makers on Etsy and I have Russian customers who have ordered from my Etsy shop in the past year. To support organizations providing humanitarian aid, I have created three designs using materials that have been sitting in my drawers. The first design is "Energizing yellow, Freedom Blue" mobile earrings; available in both post style and clip-on style. These are made in 925 sterling silver and with vintage glass beads.
All profits for these earrings through the month of April will be donated to They have been providing humanitarian assistance for Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children in Moldova.I have read somewhere that in a situation like this it's easy to confuse empathy with sympathy. We can't help anyone by suffering ourselves. It's important we keep on doing the things that bring us joy, boost our energy, keep our spirits up, satisfy our need for connection... This is my way to connect with fellow beings on planet Earth.About the ring design: